Let there be lights, camera, action!
When his youth pastor sells him on the virtues of making a movie that will help grow his congregation and the collection plates, Brother Bob risks his standing with Church Elders, and his father’s legacy, to roll cameras. The cast and crew are a motley mash up that includes a gay costume designer, an African-American cameraman, Muslim actors and homeless extras. Through it all, though, Brother Bob and his cohorts discover that the play is NOT the thing. The community of diverse people from all backgrounds, religions, and ethnicities is the real reward, teaching Brother Bob and his church a more valuable lesson — above all, love one another.
With a cast featuring Paul Wilson (Big Stone Gap, Citizen Verdict), Sterling Hurst (Nashville, Murder Calls), Joseph Gray (Killing Kennedy, The Originals) and TV favorites Tim Reid (WKRP in Cincinnati, Sister Sister, That 70s Show) and Daphne Reid (The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air). By The Grace of Bob is a light-hearted, family-friendly tale of diversity and fellowship.